The Built Environment International Research Week 2023 (IRW 2023) is an international research festival to be hosted by the School of Built Environment at the Massey University (SBE). In running this international research celebration week, the SBE collaborates with various other prominent organisations, including the AUBEA (Australasian Universities Building Education Association, the CIB (Conseil International du Bâtiment or International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction), and the EPPM (Engineering Project, and Production Management).
The IRW 2023 consists of:
The 46th AUBEA 2023 annual international conference on 26 - 28 November 2023, which includes the Net Zero Carbon Forum run in collaboration with the CIB TG124, the CIB Doctoral School stream run in collaboration with
the CIB Future Leaders Network and also the Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Building / Construction stream run in collaboration with the BENZ (BIM Education New Zealand).
The 2023 Built Environment Research Workshop on 29 November 2023, which is run in collaboration with the CIB Future Leaders Network.
The 13th EPPM 2023 international conference on 29 November – 1 December 2023.
Leading to the IRW 2023, the SBE will also host the 3rd CIB Board Meeting of 2023 in Auckland on 20– 24 November 2023. The IRW 2023 provides a platform for the global Built Environment research communities to participate, share their innovative and cutting-edge research and celebrate research in the Built Environment domain.




The Built Environment International Research Week 2023 (IRW 2023) is an international research festival to be hosted by the School of Built Environment at the Massey University (SBE). In running this international research celebration week, the SBE collaborates with various other prominent organisations, including the AUBEA (Australasian Universities Building Education Association, the CIB (Conseil International du Bâtiment or International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction), and the EPPM (Engineering Project, and Production Management).
The IRW 2023 consists of:
The 46th AUBEA 2023 annual international conference on 26 - 28 November 2023, which includes the Net Zero Carbon Forum run in collaboration with the CIB TG124, the CIB Doctoral School stream run in collaboration with the CIB Future Leaders Network and also the Advanced Technologies & Innovations in Building / Construction stream run in collaboration with the BENZ (BIM Education New Zealand).
The 2023 Built Environment Research Workshop on 29 November 2023, which is run in collaboration with the CIB Future Leaders Network.
The 13th EPPM 2023 international conference on 29 November – 1 December 2023.
Leading to the IRW 2023, the SBE will also host the 3rd CIB Board Meeting of 2023 in Auckland on 20– 24 November 2023. The IRW 2023 provides a platform for the global Built Environment research communities to participate, share their innovative and cutting-edge research and celebrate research in the Built Environment domain.