About AUBEA Incorporated
AUBEA Incorporated is a non-profit association of Universities and Institutes of technology that is involved in teaching and research in the discipline of Building. The principal aim of AUBEA Incorporated is to coordinate efforts to promote the discipline of Building to prospective students, research partners and other relevant stakeholders.
Srinath Perera is Professor and Chair Of Built Environment and Construction Management at Western Sydney University (WSU). He currently leads the Construction Management group and the Centre for Smart Modern Construction (c4SMC) at WSU. Srinath is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales (FRSN). He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Building (AIB), a Chartered Surveyor and a corporate member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS). He has worked as a consultant Quantity Surveyor and Project Manager in the construction industry in the private sector.

Srinath Perera
Western Sydney University (WSU)
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Our Scope
The scope of Building Education of AUBEA Incorporated includes the following disciplines and topics. These are simply listed here and are not exhaustive but provided for the purpose of defining AUBEA Incorporated’s membership.

Project & Construction
This concerns the management of general projects (time, cost, quality) as well as the management specific to construction projects, including but not limited to site and operational management of construction project sites, delivery productivity, health and safety, site logistics, project stakeholders.

Building Science &
This mainly concerns building elements, building physics, building systems, building automation and management systems as well as construction techniques/methods applied to deliver construction projects.

Construction Economics &
Value Management
This concerns both macro and micro economics aspects of construction industry, construction organisations and construction projects, including value management aspects at these different levels and the relationship and influence between these levels.

Land Economics
This mainly concerns the treatment of land resource and land use, including the theoretical approaches to land and the income from the land and the behaviour of land markets.

Quantity Surveying
This mainly concerns the quantity surveying profession and the roles within various phases of a construction project (pre, during and post construction phase), including but not limited to cost planning, cost estimation, contracts, standard methods of measurement, quantity take-off, bills of quantity, valuation, claims, and variations.

Facilities Management
This mainly concerns the post construction phase of the actual occupancy period of the constructed facilities, including but not limited to operations and maintenance, soft landing from construction phase, post occupancy evaluation and strategic asset management.

Building Surveying &
Building Control
This mainly concerns the evaluation of building conditions, conformance and compliance of the building and its materials with building codes, certification for completion, fire and other safety aspects of buildings.

Building Services,
Plant & Materials
This mainly concerns the design, installation and management of various services in buildings including but not limited to their various machineries and materials.
I envision AUBEA Incorporated as a collective body that responds to these challenges in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, thereby creating opportunities for our graduates. Developing innovative teaching and learning strategies, as well as conducting cutting-edge research, is essential, and AUBEA Incorporated provides an ideal platform for discussions, debates, and the exploration of new pathways as solutions. Moreover, fostering strong connections with professional organizations, public bodies, and Built Environment employers is crucial for producing job-ready graduates. Hence, I aim to enhance collaboration with these entities as we advance the activities of AUBEA Incorporated.
During my tenure, I aspire to see AUBEA Incorporated expand its reach, bringing more universities together while building upon the achievements of the past five decades. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all past presidents and council members for their outstanding contributions in elevating AUBEA Incorporated to its current stature. I seek close collaboration from my fellow AUBEA Incorporated. council members to realize the goals I have outlined here over the next few years, and I invite all academics in our region to join hands in making AUBEA Incorporated an even greater collaborative platform.
I eagerly anticipate working with each of you to shape AUBEA Incorporated's future into a beacon of collaboration and excellence.
I am thrilled and deeply honoured to assume the role of President of AUBEA Incorporated. With an illustrious history spanning nearly 50 years, AUBEA Incorporated stands as the preeminent organization for universities in the Built Environment across the Australasian region.
While most Built Environment programs in Australia enjoy considerable success, they often operate within larger faculties encompassing numerous disciplines. AUBEA Incorporated plays a crucial role in fostering collaboration among these programs, offering a platform for leaders to address common challenges. I am eager to see AUBEA Incorporated continue to serve as this vital forum for program leaders in the built environment, facilitating discussion, and knowledge sharing. Additionally, it serves as a central hub for the discussion and dissemination of research in this field. We are progressing towards having the AUBEA Incorporated conference series' proceedings indexed in Scopus, which will significantly enhance the value for academics presenting their research at the conference.
As we approach the zenith of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the impact of AI and other emerging technologies on the professions in the built environment and society at large is rapidly unfolding. Simultaneously, we are witnessing the devastating effects of global warming on our society, economy, and environment, with increased occurrences of natural disasters such as bushfires, floods, and hurricanes affecting the built environment. It is imperative that we equip the next generation of built environment specialists to confront these challenges head-on.

Welcome Note
From Our President
Professor Srinath Perera
President of AUBEA Incorporated
I am thrilled and deeply honoured to assume the role of President of AUBEA. With an illustrious history spanning nearly 50 years, AUBEA Inc. stands as the preeminent organization for universities in the Built Environment across the Australasian region. While most Built Environment programs in Australia enjoy considerable success, they often operate within larger faculties encompassing numerous disciplines. AUBEA Inc. plays a crucial role in fostering collaboration among these programs, offering a platform for leaders to address common challenges. I am eager to see AUBEA Inc. continue to serve as this vital forum for program leaders in the built environment, facilitating discussion, and knowledge sharing. Additionally, it serves as a central hub for the discussion and dissemination of research in this field. We are progressing towards having the AUBEA Inc. conference series' proceedings indexed in Scopus, which will significantly enhance the value for academics presenting their research at the conference. As we approach the zenith of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the impact of AI and other emerging technologies on the professions in the built environment and society at large is rapidly unfolding. Simultaneously, we are witnessing the devastating effects of global warming on our society, economy, and environment, with increased occurrences of natural disasters such as bushfires, floods, and hurricanes affecting the built environment. It is imperative that we equip the next generation of built environment specialists to confront these challenges head-on. I envision AUBEA as a collective body that responds to these challenges in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, thereby creating opportunities for our graduates. Developing innovative teaching and learning strategies, as well as conducting cutting-edge research, is essential, and AUBEA provides an ideal platform for discussions, debates, and the exploration of new pathways as solutions. Moreover, fostering strong connections with professional organizations, public bodies, and Built Environment employers is crucial for producing job-ready graduates. Hence, I aim to enhance collaboration with these entities as we advance the activities of AUBEA. During my tenure, I aspire to see AUBEA expand its reach, bringing more universities together while building upon the achievements of the past five decades. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all past presidents and council members for their outstanding contributions in elevating AUBEA to its current stature. I seek close collaboration from my fellow AUBEA council members to realize the goals I have outlined here over the next few years, and I invite all academics in our region to join hands in making AUBEA an even greater collaborative platform. I eagerly anticipate working with each of you to shape AUBEA's future into a beacon of collaboration and excellence.

Immediate Past President & Council Chair
Prof. Monty Sutrisna
Massey University
Auckland, New Zealand

Assoc. Prof. Ronald Webber
Central Queensland University (CQU)
Queensland, Australia

Prof. Anthony Mills
Deakin University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Meet The Council
Prof. Valerie Francis
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Prof. Srinath Perera
Western Sydney University (WSU)
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Tak Wing (Kenneth) Yiu
University of New South Wales
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Tayyab Maqsood
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Prof. Rameez Rameezdeen
University of South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Prof. Zora Vrcelj
Victoria University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Linda Kestle
Unitec Institute of Technology
Auckland, New Zealand
Assoc. Prof. Vaughan Coffey
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Mehrdad Arashpour
Monash University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Eric Scheepbouwer
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
Dr. Marcus Jefferies
University of Newcastle
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Dr. Mostafa Babaeian Jelodar
Massey University
Auckland, New Zealand
Prof Josua Pienaar
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Dr. Larry Hu
University of Canberra
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Council Members
AUBEA Incorporated

AUBEA Incorporated Constitution firmly guides the conduct and practices of all members of AUBEA Incorporated. The constitution is ratified and regularly reviewed by the AUBEA Incorporated. Council. In governing AUBEA Incorporated, the Council and the Executive Groups continuously refer to AUBEA Incorporated Constitution. The current version of AUBEA Incorporated Constitution was ratified by AUBEA Incorporated Council in 2022.
Our Scope
The scope of Building Education of AUBEA includes the following disciplines and topics. These are simply listed here and are not exhaustive but provided for the purpose of defining AUBEA’s membership.
This concerns the management of general projects (time, cost, quality) as well as the management specific to construction projects, including but not limited to site and operational management of construction project sites, delivery productivity, health and safety, site logistics, project stakeholders.
This mainly concerns building elements, building physics, building systems, building automation and management systems as well as construction techniques/methods applied to deliver construction projects.
This concerns both macro and micro economics aspects of construction industry, construction organisations and construction projects, including value management aspects at these different levels and the relationship and influence between these levels.
This mainly concerns the treatment of land resource and land use, including the theoretical approaches to land and the income from the land and the behaviour of land markets.
This mainly concerns the quantity surveying profession and the roles within various phases of a construction project (pre, during and post construction phase), including but not limited to cost planning, cost estimation, contracts, standard methods of measurement, quantity take-off, bills of quantity, valuation, claims, and variations.
This mainly concerns the post construction phase of the actual occupancy period of the constructed facilities, including but not limited to operations and maintenance, soft landing from construction phase, post occupancy evaluation and strategic asset management.
This mainly concerns the evaluation of building conditions, conformance and compliance of the building and its materials with building codes, certification for completion, fire and other safety aspects of buildings.
This mainly concerns the design, installation and management of various services in buildings including but not limited to their various machineries and materials.

Welcome Note
From Our President
Professor Srinath Perera
President of AUBEA (2024 - Present)
Meet the Council
President (2020 - 2023)
Professor Monty Sutrisna
Massey University
Auckland, New Zealand
Srinath Perera is Professor and Chair Of Built Environment and Construction Management at Western Sydney University (WSU). He currently leads the Construction Management group and the Centre for Smart Modern Construction (c4SMC) at WSU. Srinath is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New South Wales (FRSN). He is also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Building (AIB), a Chartered Surveyor and a corporate member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS). He has worked as a consultant Quantity Surveyor and Project Manager in the construction industry in the private sector.
Western Sydney University
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Srinath Perera
Massey University
Auckland, New Zealand
Prof. Monty Sutrisna
Central Queensland University (CQU)
Queensland, Australia
Assoc. Prof. Ronald Webber
Deakin University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Prof. Anthony Mills
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Prof. Valerie Francis
Western Sydney University
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Prof. Srinath Perera
University of New South Wales
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Kenneth Yiu
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Prof. Tayyab Maqsood
University of South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Prof. Rameez Remeezdeen
Victoria University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Prof. Zora Vrcelj
Unitec Institute of Technology
Auckland, New Zealand
A/Prof. Linda Kestle
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
A/Prof. Vaughan Coffey
Monash University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
A/Prof. Mehrdad Arashpour
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand
A/Prof. Eric Scheepbouwer
University of Newcastle
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dr Marcus Jefferies
Massey University
Auckland, New Zealand
Dr. Mostafa Jelodar
University of Technology Sydney
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Prof. Josua Pienaar
University of Canberra
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Dr. Larry Hu